The 2016 Pin-Up Pets Calendars are in! They are amazing and they will go fast. Be sure to get yours now - don't wait. A limited number is available, and when they're gone, they're gone.

Calendars are FREE with your donation of $15 to Homeward Bound Rescue. 

To donate online and get your calendar(s), click the "Pay Now" button underneath the Homeward Bound logo below.  Then, be sure you add the quantity of calendars you'd like.  The cost of shipping will cover the total quantity you are ordering, so grab a few calendars while you're here - they make great gifts!  You do not need a Paypal account to complete your donation - select the bottom right box that says "Don't Have A Paypal Account?" to pay with your credit card.

100% of the donations will go to help pets in need!

Lisa Asp of Tangerine House of Design has donated all photography and design work for this fundraising calendar.  She will also be handling all online donations and shipping calendars to our supporters.  

Homeward Bound Rescue  

  Greyhound Pets of America-MN and Save-A-Bull Rescue will be handling their own online calendar sales.  Please visit their websites for more information.